D... A, B, no i mean A, DRAT!! I lost.
Sorry, I was just imagining what would have happened if they put Peach all dressed in Stereo-Typical Nurses garb into the game. Imagine all the nerdy little viruses, i mean, nerds, who would go and have naughty thoughts. Think of the mass hysteria... Think of all the chances you would get to use you're "Anti-Nerd Flamethrower" to beat back all the idiots asking for... well, I'm not gonna say it, because it shouldn't even belong in our vocabulary.
Overall, way to stick to the original song. Enjoyable, in fact, I'm listening to this while I play a Dr. Mario rip-off game on a Mac based Emulator (Not really)
Nine slash Ten
Four slash Five
(Ell oh ell space exclamation point one one shift plus one exclamation point)